Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We love our little ones! Here at ALAG we are working diligently to create a safe, welcoming place for your infants and toddlers. We have created a special place just for infants, toddlers, and those with special needs. Our trained volunteers are ready and prepared to help you get your little ones registered for the service and to love on them. Let us know any ways that we can serve you as we mentor and love on your precious children!

Nursery Times
Sunday Morning 8:30am-11:45am
We have our Nursery open just before Sunday School classes start. A volunteer will be there to assist you and the Nursery will stay open until the last child is picked up following the Morning Worship Service.
Wednesday night: 6pm-8pm
With our Wednesday night groups in full swing at the church, we have a volunteer working with the little ones. they are prepared and ready to receive the little ones between the school year dinners and the start of classes.