This Present Time
Given all the hard issues occurring in every area of our lives, it is so important the we come together! We understand the times we live in are hard. Many are beset with anxiety, depression, and grief. We know that the Bible says that difficult days will happen. Now in the midst of all this is the Church! We are a people gathered together to minister one to another.
The church might not be able to do everything for you during these times. That is okay. However we can still be a resource for you! Please contact us if you want to get involved or if you are needing help. We can point you in the right direction to help you in this time!
The church might not be able to do everything for you during these times. That is okay. However we can still be a resource for you! Please contact us if you want to get involved or if you are needing help. We can point you in the right direction to help you in this time!